Sunday, October 26, 2008

New Wheels

Tate trying out the horn in his new truck.

Cora had a hard time not hitting anything.

Mike is trying to direct Cora but not really working.

Tate had the driving down right away.


Tate in his Red Power Ranger Costume.

Cora in her pink pony costume.

Cora relaxing in her chair before ZooBoo.

Too many things to look at to look at the camera.

Tate loved looking at the ducks.

He was so excited to find a white rat.

More ducks.

Got one with mom who always seems to be behind the camera.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Trailer Moved

If any of you had been by are house in ooooh the last 5 months you would of seen the nice "storage unit" in our yard. We finally have all of our furniture moved out and back in the house after the addition. The "storage unit" has been moved and ready to burn. After this week I think it will be wet enough to burn the trailer without having the rest of the yard burn as well. Here is a picture of Mitch and Cora relaxing after moving in the furniture.

Sleeping Kids

I was just noticing that it has been awhile since I posted about the kids or anything for that matter.

Mitch has been busy hauling cattle.

Me - boring just the kids, work and school keeping me busy.

Tate is still loving school and is always excited to show us what he has learned.

Cora we are still working on potty training.

It is 8:30 and the kids were still sleeping so here is a picture of that!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Halloween Preview

We went and picked out Halloween costumes and Tate was the easiest he already new going to the store that he was going to be a red Power Ranger. Cora we had no idea what to do for her. We figured she would be some sort of princess. I jokingly showed Mitch a pink pony and Cora saw it and fell in love. She even through an old fashion temper tantrum demanding to have it.