Thursday, December 18, 2008

Merry Christmas

The time has gone so fast, with school, work and the kids keeping us busy it is hard to believe that Christmas is only one week away. Tate continues to tell me that it is Christmas time and wants to know when Santa is coming. I respond by telling he that just because there is snow and we have our tree up doesn't mean that Santa will came. I am enjoying the old "If you keeping being naughty Santa will not come and bring you presents!" Here is our Christmas card this year.

Mitch's 30

Mitch will be turning 30 on January 14th. I am having a party for him on January 10th at 7pm in the shop, you are all welcome.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Eat Snow

As much as I tell the kids not to eat snow they want to do it. I gave up and just took a picture of them eating snow instead.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Santa Visit

While I was stuck working, Pam took the kids to see Santa at the Crooks Community Center. Cora wanted nothing to do with Santa, Pam said she cried. Tate was willing to tell Santa what he wanted for Christmas. They were even able to see Grandma Charlotte while they were there. If Santa was not enough they even got lunch!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Christmas Tree

I rearranged some furniture and the kids helped me set up the Christmas tree.

More Snow

Tate and Cora wanted to go out and build snow balls today. Tried telling them it was to cold and the snow would not stick together, they just had to see for themselves.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

ABCs according to Tate & Cora

Thanksgiving and Beyond

Tate and Mike's brother Scott having, what looks like a very serious conversation.

Tate with the Grandpas.

Tate and Grandma looking at the new wreath she got.

Tate and Grandma Pam after they finished their Thanksgiving meal.

Cora slept through most of Thanksgiving so here is a picture of her coloring a Christmas Stock for the library. I think she got more on her face then the picture. She said she was putting on her lip stuff. Yikes it begins already!