Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Ridin' The Motorcycle

Cora riding the motorcycle, while Mitch tries to keep up.

Tate riding the motorcycle.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Little Red

Tate is making sure his little bottle calf, Red is comfortable in his new pen.

Boysen Baby

Today I had my 20 week ultrasound and this baby is definitely a Boysen, it was very uncooperative and now I have to go back in four weeks and have another one done and see if it is will to be more cooperative.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Cora's First Day of School 09

Today was Cora's turn to go to school. She was very excited about her first day. She was ready to go to school at 4AM this morning.

Cora getting on the bus with Avery

In line waiting for the bus

Getting a picture before the bus arrives: Cora, Avery, Hannah & Brayden

Running to get in line for the bus, very excited about going to school!